How Do You Feed Eagle in Assassins Creed Origins

Assassin's Creed Origins Trophy Roadmap

  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50-70 hours
  • Offline Trophies: 51 (1trophy, 1trophy, 15trophy, 34trophy)
  • Online Trophies: 0
  • Number of missable trophies: 0 – but watch out for "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" trophy, you need to save up 100 trinkets. If you sell your trinkets before having 100 it will take a very long time to farm new ones.
  • Glitched trophies: 1 (Old Habits) – Do NOT complete any locations while playing as Aya in main quest "Aya: Blade of the Goddess". If you do, the trophy will become unobtainable and you must play through the entire game again and complete all locations again. [*FIXED WITH PATCH 1.0.5, completing locations as Aya no longer voids the trophy, please update your game]
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, you can do everything on easy difficulty.
  • Minimum Playthroughs: 1


Welcome to the Assassin's Creed Origins Trophy Guide! This is an easy platinum, it's just a bit time consuming. ACO has the biggest game world from all Assassin's Creed games to date. The open world is massive and you must complete all locations (question marks on the map). There are a few quick and easy miscellaneous combat trophies, nothing too tricky. This time, they toned down a number of traditional collectibles. There aren't feathers or anything like that. Just 12 stone circles and 5 hermit spots but since they count as "locations" you have to complete all of them anyway.


In the main quest "Aya: Blade of the Goddess" you will briefly be playing as Aya for a story mission. If you complete any locations as her, the trophy "Old Habits" will become unobtainable. Then the only fix is to replay the entire game and complete all locations again. Please make a manual backup of your save game before starting this quest (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management). The quest takes place very late into the game, close to the end of the story. In case you accidentially complete a location you can copy back the save and don't have to replay the entire game again.
[Update: This was fixed with patch 1.0.5, completing locations as Aya no longer voids the trophy- Please update your game.]

Step 1: Play through the Story, buy Trophy-related skills, Stock up on Trinkets (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Trophy)

The first step is very simple: play through the story. After the story you can still access everything in free roam. Along the way you can tackle trophies in any order you like. Do miscellaneous trophies as you see fit or keep them until after the story.

Go for the trophy-related skills first to get them out of the way. No worries, you get enough skill points to buy everything by just reaching level 40 (the max level). The abilities needed for trophies are:

  • Dawn & Dusk
  • Sleep Darts
  • Poison Darts
  • Animal Taming
  • Enhanced Predator Bow
  • Elite Ranger
  • One Master Ability (Hunter, Warrior, Seer)

The only trophy to look out for is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" for selling 100 trinkets at once. You better start saving up on trinkets from the beginning to avoid unnecessary grinding in the end. To see how many trinkets you have, go to the inventory and scroll down on the right side. Below the animal goods it shows your trinkets. You can have multiple copies of each trinket. Selling weapons is totally fine, just don't sell trinkets until you have 100 of them. Even then it's advisable to make a manual save game backup before selling them (PS4 Settings > Saved Data Management). In case the trophy doesn't unlock you can restore the save and collect more trinkets. Trinkets can be sold at merchants by holding :down: (sell menu).

Step 2: Kill Qetesh & Resheph (The Harder They Fall Trophy)

Qetesh & Resheph are two war elephants. They are the toughest enemies in the game. You find them in the territory "Uab Nome" (marked by a white question mark on map after synchronizing the viewpoint of that region). You should be at least level 38 before fighting them. They are level 40 (the maximum level). You can put the difficulty on easy for this.

Step 3: Miscellaneous Trophies Mop-up

Mop up any miscellaneous combat trophies that you are missing. You can still do these in free roam after the story.

Step 4: Complete All Locations (Old Habits Trophy)

Locations are marked on the map via question marks after synchronizing the viewpoints of an area. You have to go to every question mark on the map and complete the activity there. The game world is really massive so this is going to take up a large chunk of time towards platinum. The last question mark is then found in the Sphynx in Giza after completing all other locations. You must collect 50 Silica from Ancient Tombs in order to complete the location in the Sphinx of Giza! The Silica aren't hard to find, each tomb has them and there are more than 50.

Also see Assassin's Creed Origins All Tomb Locations & Solutions.

Please note you have to finish the story first to get "Old Habits" to unlock! The trophy does not unlock until after finishing the story. If you've done all locations and it didn't unlock you must finish the final story quest and it will unlock.

Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:

  • Trophy Guide Playlist (YouTube)
  • All Papyrus Puzzle Solutions & Locations
  • All Stone Circle Locations
  • All Hermit Locations
  • All Tomb Locations
  • All Crafting Materials
  • All Outfits & Outfit Locations
  • How to Get Secret Isu Armor Outfit

Assassin's Creed Origins Trophy Guide

The DLCs are covered in separate trophy guides, please refer to:

  • The Hidden Ones DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
  • The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Earn Them All!
Earn every trophy.
Earn all other Assassin's Creed Origins Trophies to unlock Platinum (DLC not required)
First Steps
Complete the Prologue.
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
I'm Just Getting Started
Complete Main Quest "Aya".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Sea
Complete Main Quest "Pompeius Magnus".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Scarab
Complete Main Quest "The Scarab's Lies".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Hyena
Complete Main Quest "The Hyena".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Crocodile
Complete Main Quest "The Crocodile's Jaws".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Lizard
Complete Main Quest "The Lizard's Face".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The Siege
Complete Main Quest "The Aftermath".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Wake Up!
Complete Main Quest Dream Sequence.
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
Almost There
Complete Main Quest "The Final Weighing".
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
The End
Complete the last Main Quest.
Story-related trophy, cannot be missed.
I'm a Legend
Be equipped with only Legendary equipment.
For this you need 2 legendary bows, 2 legendary melee weapons, 1 legendary shield, 1 legendary outfit, 1 legendary horse.

Bows / Melee Weapons / Shield:

A fast way to get legendary (yellow) weapons and shields is from Papyrus Puzzles. There are 25 of them in the open world and each one can give a piece of rare (purple) or legendary (yelllow) gear.

See Assassin's Creed Origins Papyrus Puzzle Solutions & Locations.

You also get legendary weapons from side quests later in the game (fixed rewards). There's also one daily quest from the Nomad's Bazaar that gives a random legendary each day. Killing Phylakes also has a high chance for legendary drops. Always keep legendary gear and don't sell it.

After the final story mission you unlock a special merchant in Memphis that sells Legendary Gear for 5000+ coins.

Legendary Outfit:

The easiest one to get is the Sekhmet Costume, from the side quest "Lady of Slaughter" in Lake Mareotis region. You have to do this quest anyway for the bronze trophy called "The Festival". Legendary Outfits can also be bought randomly from weavers but they cost 5000 coins which is very expensive.

Legendary Horse:

Won in Hippodrome race and sold at stables when you have the "Backstore" skill. The easier option is to buy it from stables but it costs 5000 coins. After acquiring the Backstore skill you can buy higher quality items at vendors, this also applies to the horses at stables. Go to all stables on the map and check out all of them to find someone selling a legendary mount.

I'm Done Learning
Activate a Master ability.
There are 3 master abilities called Master Hunter, Master Warrior, Master Seer. They are on the outer edges of the skill tree. Unlock enough skills in a respective category to buy a master ability. Buying it unlocks the trophy.
Witness raining bugs in the desert.

Run around the desert at midday to trigger hallucinations. For example, in the territory called "Great Sand Sea". After running around for a while you get RANDOM hallucinations. One possible hallucination is the raining bugs (it's a rare one). Just keep walking in the desert until you trigger it.
You can't trigger hallucinations in the morning or evening. It works from midday to afternoon.

For Those About to Die…
Complete all arena events in the Krokodilopolis Arena.
The Krokodilopolis Arena is unlocked after main quest "The Crocodile's Jaws". It is found in territory "Faiyum Oasis", marked as "Gladiator Arena" on the map. You visit the arena automatically during the Crocodile's Jaws main quest, so it cannot be missed.

There are 8 events total to unlock the trophy:

  • Brothers I
  • Brothers II
  • Brothers III
  • Boss – The Brothers
  • Slaver I
  • Slaver II
  • Slaver III
  • Boss – The Slaver

The Arena Elite Events are not required for the trophy. You just need to play the default difficulty Arena Events.

Finish an arena boss with an Overpower Attack.
This can only be done in Gladiator Arenas. You automatically go to the Krokodilopolis Arena in main quest "The Crocodile's Jaws" and have to participate in a few fights here. Afterwards you can replay arena boss fights as often as yu want. The Krokodilopolis Arena is found in region "Faiyum Oasis".

There's also a Gladiator Arena in Kyrenaika region.

Pick any boss fight from an arena. At the end of the fight you must press :r1: + :r2: for an overpower attack. This only works when your adrenaline bar is full (it fills up as you hit enemies or take damage by them). Just leave a little bit of the boss' health left and then use this move to finish him off.

Win the first Hippodrome tournament.
The Hippodrome is found in region "Kanopos Nome" in the north of the map. You unlock it during main mission "Egypt's Medjay". So you'll go there automatically during the story.

For this trophy you must win (place 1st) in the tournment "Nike's Winged Victory". It's a series of 3 horse races. Each round you get points based on your position in the race. The participant with the most points (i.e. best positions) across all 3 races wins. So even if you place 4th in a round you can still win if you place 1st in the other two rounds. Completing the tutorial race does not count towards this trophy (but it's still advisable to learn the mechanics of this mode).

Road Rage
Destroy an opponent in a Hippodrome race.
The Hippodrome is found in region "Kanopos Nome" in the north of the map. You unlock it during main mission "Egypt's Medjay". So you'll go there automatically during the story.

Play a tournament at the Hippodrome (not the tutorial race), then focus on one enemy and constantly ram him throughout the match. This is done by driving next to him and press :circle: in his direction. Especially in corners you can ram into opponents quite easily.

The Harder They Fall
Defeat the war elephants Qetesh & Resheph.

The two war elephants Qetesh & Resheph are found in the region "UAB Nome". After synchronizing the only viewpoint of this area, white question marks will show up on the map. The war elephants are at the southern-most question mark of the UAB Nome region.
You can go there anytime. However, because the elephants are level 40 it is highly recommeded that you beat the story first and reach at least level 38. If you're lower than 38 you won't stand a chance. You can put the difficulty on easy for this (game options).

Defeat both elephants by attacking their legs. After both have been defeated you earn the trophy.

Kill 3 enemies with one hit.
This is very easy once you have beaten the story and are level 35+. By then you will kill any low level enemies or animals in one hit.

Look for a group of animals, ride into them on your house and strike them. It will instantly kill all 3 if they are standing close enough together. For example, there are lots of predators standing close together in the swamps of Herakleion Nome.

Alternatively, a more creative way is to knock out opponents using fists only. While they are unconscious you can pile them up and then kill them with one strike of a melee weapon.

The Arrow Whisperer
Kill an enemy with the predator bow from more than 60 meters while controlling the arrow.

For this you need the skill "Enhanced Predator Bow". Now you can hold R2 (PS4 ) / RB (XB1) while aiming the predator bow to shoot a controllable arrow. You can steer the arrow while it flies towards the target.
Kill an enemy with this from 60 meters or further away. You can set waypoint markers to get an idea of the distance.

Words of Wisdom
Complete all hermit locations.

See Assassin's Creed Origins All Hermit Locations.

Circle of Life
Feed a predator with a corpse.

Best place to do this is at the settlement / fast travel point "Yw Huts" in the east of Herakleion Nome territory. It's a village in the swamps and there are always crocodiles swimming in the river near the village.
Kill an NPC (doesn't matter if it's a non-hostile NPC or enemy). Lure a crocodile ON LAND (important: it has to be on land, doesn't work in water) and drop the corpse in front of the crocodile. Now quickly run away so the crocodile stops chasing after you and eats the corpse. As soon as you're out of combat the crocodile will eat the corpse.
It also works to let the crocodiles kill you near the corpse, then they will focus on the corpse in the moments after your death which still unlocks the trophy. It's a bit glitchy sometimes and can take a few tries. The animal AI isn't the best and sometimes they just won't eat the corpse.

Keep in mind: doesn't work in water, only works with crocodiles, and you must exit combat so they eat the corpse.

Seven Farmers
Complete Side Quest "Seven Farmers".

Seven Farmers is a level 30 quest in the region UAB nome (south-east of the map). It's just north of the only fast travel point in that region. You should be level 30 before attempting it. The quest itself is very easy, but if you get stuck at any point you can check out the side quest guide or the video above.

The Festival
Complete Side Quest "Lady of Slaughter".
This side quest takes place in the region "Lake Mareotis". It's the second region you visit in the game. When reaching this area you automatically have some quests marked in your quest log. Follow this level 7 quest line. After doing side quests "Ambush in the Temple" & "Ulterior Votive", the quest "Lady of Slaughter" automatically starts. This quest ends in an arena fight against a boss enemy.

Because this quest line is automatically marked in your quest log it would be hard to miss.

For detailed walkthroughs, see the quest guides:

  • Ambush in the Temple
  • Ulterior Votive
  • Lady of Slaughter
Shadow of Egypt
Kill 10 enemies in a row without being detected.
There are plenty of opportunities for this throughout the story. There are also lots of enemy camps / restricted areas that house tons of enemies (marked by red icons on the map).

You do stealth kills by sneaking up to someone from behind and pressing :triangle: or by looking at them from an elevated position and pressing :triangle: to do a jump execution. You can also use bows (preferably predator bow or hunter bow) for stealth kills. All that matters is that you stay undetected.

What I did was to travel from one enemy camp to the next at night time. I scouted the area with the eagle Senu to mark the enemies. At night most enemies will be sleeping so you can easily wipe out entire camps (sneak up to sleeping enemies and use hidden blade). With the ability "Dawn & Dusk" you can change the time of day.

Destroy 100 breakable objects.
There are lots of breakables (vases etc.) inside tombs. You'll have to explore all tombs for the trophy "Old Habits". Smash vases with melee attacks for this. Plenty of them can also be found around towns, they are in many places.

There are also breakable oil jars in most enemy camps. In all likelihood this trophy will come naturally over the course of your playthrough.

I Know My Land
Defog the whole map.
Very simple: when you cross the borders into a new territory it instantly defogs that area. Just go past the border of every territory and you'll unlock this. You don't even have to synchronize any viewpoints.
Raider of the Lost Tomb
Complete a tomb.
See Assassin's Creed Origins – All Tomb Locations & Solutions.

The easiest way to get this is by doing the side quest "Hideaway" in Siwa, the starting region. During this quest you visit your first tomb. The side quest gets marked automatically on the map.

I Can See My House From Here!
Reach the "Top of the World" in the Black Desert territory.

This can be done in the territory called "Black Desert". It's to the south of Siwa, the area where the game starts. This territory has a few high mountains. Check the map for a question mark on the tallest mountain and go to that spot. The trophy will pop when approaching the question mark location. From here you can see the entire map.

Set-up Date
Bring a tamed lion to a crocodile.

This requires the skills "Sleep Darts" & "Animal Taming". Now use a sleep dart on a lion. While the animal sleeps you can tame it. Lead the lion to a crocodile to earn the trophy. You can use your eagle Senu to scan for animals.
You can't tame animals that are a higher level than your own. It only works on animals beneath your level.

Lions can be found in the following territories: Sap-Meh Nome, Sapi-Res Nome, Ka-Khem Nome, Herakleion Nome.
Crocodiles are found in rivers all around the map.

The earliest opportunity is in Sapi-Meh Nome where the lions are level 12-15.

Where's My Black Flag?
Defeat 8 Ship Captains.
Captain Ships are marked by a red icon on the map. They are found only in water. When you zoom in one the symbol it says "Restricted Area, Kill Captain 0/1". You can also see the outlines of the ship when zooming all the way in. Usually these spawn in Lake Mareotis. Go to 8 of these symbols and kill everyone on the ship. Repeat a total of 8 times.
Take 1 photo in 5 different territories.
You enter photo mode by pressing L3 + R3 at the same time.  Now press X to take the photo (you'll see it saving for a few seconds).

Simply fast travel to 5 different regions and take one photo in each region. You can even take photos while controlling your eagle Senu.

Kill a poisoned level 35+ enemy with the torch in less than 30 seconds.

This can be done in region Kyrenaika (the north-west corner of the map). In the town of Cyrene there are level 35+ enemies walking the streets. You can find them easily with your eagle Senu.
To do the trophy you need the skill "Poison Darts". Be sure to equip the poison darts in the gear menu afterwards. To activate them, hold :left: and throw them at an enemy (he must be level 35+). You'll see some purple fog around the enemy, indicating that he has been poisoned. Now quickly kill him with the torch (hold :right: to pull out torch).

It's best to wait with this until you are level 35+ yourself, this way you inflict more damage to the enemy and he dies quicker. Can still be done after the story of course.

Free as a Bird
Use the eagle for a total of 30 minutes.
This will likely unlock through natural gameplay. You have to use the eagle a lot to find mission objectives.

You can use your eagle Senu to scout areas and mark enemies and animals. You can use him by pressing :up: . You can also go afk and let him fly all over the map, then the trophy pops without you doing anything.

Swim for 1500m, ride for 40km and run for 10km.
Pretty much guaranteed to come through natural gameplay. It was one of my first few trophies. The game is really huge so you'll travel a lot. Use your mount a lot to get the 40k riding distance done. Running and swimming you'll do automatically.
Archer of the Month
Headshot kill an enemy with the bow while in the air.

Buy the "Elite Ranger" ability. It makes it so that time slows down when aiming a bow in midair. Jump down from somewhere, aim in midair and shoot an enemy in the head with an arrow. The enemy has to die from this. You are allowed to weaken the enemy beforehand so that he dies in one hit. You can do this in any restricted area / enemy camp, those have lots of enemies.

The light bow works best. It shoots very quickly and is easy to aim.

Kill 30 enemies by shooting a fire arrow at oil jars.
You can light your arrows on fire by approaching a fire source. Then shoot the burning arrow at an oil jar near an enemy. The fire from the jar needs to kill the enemy. This is best done in enemy camps / hideouts / fortresses. There are plenty of those and they almost always have big oil jars standing around.

There are also legendary bows that always shoot fire arrows without having to light them first. These are random drops and hard to get, but if you find such a bow it's the easiest option.

The 30 kills are cumulative (counted across your entire playthrough), you don't need to kill 30 enemies with one oil jar.

Rider's Licence
Use all types of vehicle at least once.
There are the following vehicles:
  • Sailboat – Civilian Version with White Sails (found on water)
  • Sailboat – Army Version with Red Sails (found on water)
  • Rowboat – A smaller boat made of straw (found ashore rivers, a bit rarer than the other boats)
  • Military Attack Ship – You drive a naval fleet during main quest "Pompeius Magnus" so this cannot be missed. It cannot be found in the open world.
  • War Charriot – You drive it in the Hippodrome races but also automatically during main quest "The Battle of the Nile", cannot be missed. There's also a skill that unlocks it.
  • Oxcart – A cart pulled by oxen. They drive around Alexandria, the big town in the north of the map.

Most of these vehicles are automatically used in story missions or side quests.

Old Habits
Complete all locations.
In the main quest "Aya: Blade of the Goddess" you will briefly be playing as Aya for a story mission. If you complete any locations as her, the trophy "Old Habits" will become unobtainable. Then the only fix is to replay the entire game and complete all locations again or download patch 1.0.5. Please make a manual backup of your save game before starting this quest (PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management). The quest takes place very late into the game, close to the end of the story. In case you accidentially complete a location you can copy back the save and don't have to replay the entire game again. GLITCH WARNING #2:
Some locations may not get marked on the map after synchronizing all viewpoints. One area most frequently affected is in Qattara Depression on the border to Siwa & Black Desert (south-west corner of the region). There's a location with two treasures called "Hotep" and it might not be shown on the map for some players.This is the most time consuming trophy in the game. Locations are marked on the map via question marks after synchronizing the viewpoints of an area. You have to go to every question mark on the map and complete the activity there. The game world is really massive so this is going to take up a large chunk of time towards platinum. The most difficult locations to complete are tombs and papyrus puzzles. If you run into any problems with those, check the guides linked below:
  • Ancient Tombs
  • Papyrus Puzzles (Note: you don't have to complete the puzzles, just find the scroll to start them)

There are 394 locations in total, in the base version of the game without DLC.

Patch 1.10 has added a map filter. You can now open the Map, press :up: , :up: , :up: , :up: and it will show only uncompleted locations. This makes the map less cluttered so you can see missing locations more easily.

Important: You have to finish the story first! The trophy does not unlock until after finishing the story. If you've done all locations and it didn't unlock you must finish the final story quest and it will unlock.

Run For Your Life!
Run away from 3 fights with a hippo.
Hippos are found near water, for example there's a hippo lair in the south-west of Herakleion Nome (question mark on map after syncing viewpoint). Just trigger 3 fights with hippos and run away from them each time. The region Sapi-Res Nome also has tons of them in the rivers, use your eagle Senu to locate them.
Elementary, My Dear Bayek
Solve a papyrus mystery.

See Assassin's Creed Origins All Papyrus Puzzle Solutions & Locations.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Sell 100 trinkets at once.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you work on this trophy from the beginning. You must save up 100 trinkets. You better start saving up on trinkets from the beginning to avoid unnecessary grinding in the end. To see how many trinkets you have, go to the inventory and scroll down on the right side. Below the animal goods it shows your trinkets. You can have multiple copies of each trinket. Selling weapons is totally fine, just don't sell trinkets until you have 100 of them. Even then it's advisable to make a manual save game backup before selling them (PS4 Settings > Saved Data Management). In case the trophy doesn't unlock you can restore the save and collect more trinkets. Trinkets can be sold at merchants by holding :down: (sell menu).

After doing all story missions and raiding all tombs and side quests I only had 30 trinkets (40 hours of playtime). Trinkets are mostly found by completing locations (white question marks on the map). Especially the underwater locations tend to have trinkets more frequently.

They are also found as random loot from enemy camps. Make sure you always loot enemy camps carefully and dive in seas to look for trinkets. After doing all other trophies (completed all locations and finished the story) you should have just over 100 trinkets.

In the merchant's selling menu they are labeled as  "Sell Unnecessary Items". Just don't select that option until you have 100+ or it will sell all your trinkets. For the trophy you do not need 100 different trinkets, just 100 of any (duplicates are allowed).

Again, I want point out that you should back up the save game before selling (PS4 Settings > Saved Data Management).

Use Dawn & Dusk to make time speed forward 30 times.
Dawn & Dusk is a skill from the ability menu. It costs 1 ability point to unlock. You can then hold the Touchpad to fast forward time. Hold touchpad 30 times to switch between night and day to earn the trophy.
You still need 8880…
Reach level 20.
Story-related, cannot be missed. You will automatically reach level 20 early in the game from main quests and side quests. Open world activities (completing locations, viewpoints, papyrus puzzles) also give XP. Killing enemies gives a little bit of XP, too.
Complete all 12 Stone Circles.

See Assassin's Creed Origins All Stone Circle Locations.

Master Diver
Complete 15 underwater locations.
Go to areas that have big seas or rivers, for example Lake Mareotis. Sync all nearby viewpoints in the region to reveal question marks on the map. Now go to the question marks in the water. They are underwater locations, usually sunken treasure. Complete 15 of these. You will have to do these anyway for trophy "Old Habits".
Defy Authority
Defeat a Phylakes.
Phylakes are powerful foes marked by a red helmet icon on the map. Kill one of them and confirm the kill afterwards (press :triangle: on the corpse) to earn the trophy.
Handy Man
Craft 20 items.
For this you need to craft 20 gear upgrades. There are 50 in total.

See Assassin's Creed Origins Crafting Materials & Upgrades.

Tame a lion.
See trophy "Set-up Date".

DLC Guides:

Assassin's Creed Origins: The Hidden Ones DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap

Assassin's Creed Origins: The Curse of the Pharaohs DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap


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