Boxing Gloves to Draw in

The Battle Gloves are a set of fists in Bloody Battle. They are a fix of gloves that offer powerful melee attacks.


  • one Details
  • ii Strategy
    • ii.i Using the Battle Gloves
    • ii.2 Countering the Boxing Gloves
  • 3 Trivia
  • 4 Changes


The Boxing Gloves, when equipped, raise the user'due south arms into a fighting position. The gloves are colored the aforementioned color as the wielder's body. A display will appear at the bottom of the screen showing a center and a number. The number is how much stamina the player has left, and they start with 20. Left clicking will swing one's fists, consuming i stamina. A successful hit deals 35 damage and recovers 2 stamina. Pressing East charges up a devastating KO dial, just consumes 5 stamina. If it hits someone, it deals 80 damage, instantly ragdolls them, applies a massive corporeality of knockback, and recovers the five stamina that was used. If it hits someone who has no armor and is at or below twoscore% HP, they will be star KOed with a special effect, launching them loftier into the air before blinking out of beingness. Property F lets the wielder block, letting them proceeds l defense and super armor while they cake. While they cake, they lose 8 walk speed. Taking a hitting while blocking consumes stamina relative to the damage taken. Attacks that fail to deal at to the lowest degree 20 damage will not consume stamina–this also allows the block functionality to protect against Fire fire. The Katana will ignore the Boxing Gloves' block and will still apply damage stacks.

Running out of stamina will frazzle the user, surrounding them with a purple glow and slowing them down. They will be unable to attack during this fourth dimension. Subsequently effectually iv seconds, the user will regain 3 stamina and will no longer exist wearied.

When any actor wielding the Boxing Gloves is knocked downwardly or knocks down another thespian, a special sound will play.


Using the Boxing Gloves

The Boxing Gloves have a lower re-swing rate compared to the Fists, and as such it is less advisable to use them in direct confrontation. Where the Boxing Gloves smooth is every bit a defensive choice and as a impale weapon. Blocking protects the user from well-nigh all forms of damage meliorate than any other defensive item in the game, and it tin exist combined with the Helmet for a staggering 60 defense. In improver, it can cake out most forms of harm, notably blocking the projectiles from the Cakeifier, swings from the Chainsaw, and bodyshots from the Pistol. The threat of headshots from the Pistol while blocking tin be negated by the aforementioned defense boost from the Helmet. Remember that blocking consumes stamina proportional to the damage taken, so but block heavy-striking attacks when at that place's plenty of stamina saved upward and information technology is not feasible to only accept damage. The KO Punch assail volition star KO anyone below half HP, meaning that it can strike even Demons and Zombies as long as they are below the one-half HP requirement. Star KOs consume all revives due to them warping players out of the map. It is inadvisable to endeavour to KO Punch anyone who is Time Stop fourth dimension stopped, simply it does have synergy with the Cement Gun and its ability to Petrify petrify targets, making them much easier to star KO.

Countering the Boxing Gloves

Despite their high potential damage output, the Boxing Gloves are slower to react compared to one'due south Fists. Missed punches will eventually punish the wielder of the Gloves, and baiting out KO Punches that miss will further reduce their stamina. Most wielders of the Boxing Gloves will lean on their blocking functionality, and as such, countering the Gloves volition primarily rely on capitalizing on their disability to react while blocking. The Golden Pan'due south high refire charge per unit volition speedily burn through stamina, while the Spear allows attackers to safely outrange players blocking with their Gloves. The Shotgun can be used to force users of the Gloves around despite their Super Armor, and if at close range, the loftier impairment output volition consume a lot of stamina. The Spell Book's reflect wall tin can be used to similar effect, Additionally, using the Taser will temporarily force a blocking thespian to finish blocking. Finally, anything that tin Freeze freeze a blocking Gloves wielder volition forcefulness them to finish blocking and go out them open to freeze combos.


  • The Boxing Gloves' sounds are a reference to the first Punch-Out!! game.
    • The attacks and the star KO are a reference to Fiddling Mac'due south advent in the Nail Brothers series.
  • This was the outset tool to become Super Armor.
    • Information technology is also the first tool to replace one's fists.
  • There is a glitch that if someone time stops and and then donuts a person with the Boxing Gloves, the user of the Gloves can actually block the donut, reducing its damage.
  • The Boxing Gloves, when initially released, offered an extremely high blocking defense of 30. This could be farther increased with defence force bonuses, allowing the Boxing Gloves to tank the Claws from a Demon.
    • Demons could farm space health with this method.
  • As Bob'south Shadow, the colour of the gloves is neon white.


  • On 8/21/2020, the Battle Gloves were nerfed:
    • Star KO health percentage was nerfed, requiring the victim to be at or below 40% max HP instead of 50% max HP
    • Blocking defense nerfed from xxx to 15
    • Blocking walkspeed loss increased from -v to -eight
  • On 9/19/2020, the Boxing Gloves were reworked.
    • A new stamina meter was added.
      • Players starting time off with twenty stamina.
      • one stamina is lost per swing.
      • 2 stamina is recovered per hit.
      • 5 stamina is lost when using the Star KO attack.
      • No stamina is lost if KO Dial hits successfully.
      • The more than damage you take while blocking, the more Stamina you lose.
    • When all stamina is lost, a royal glow will surround the user, and they go exhausted for a few seconds. 3 stamina will eventually be recovered
    • Blocking defense buffed from 15 to fifty
  • On June 29 2021, the Boxing Gloves were buffed
    • LMB attack damage increased from 30 -> 35 damage
    • Blocking buffed. It now takes less stamina to block an attack, and attacks that deal less than 20 damage won't consume stamina.


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