Minecraft Xbox One Edition Tutorial World Ice Walker Boots

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Downloadable Map with all Achievements [ ]

All 114 achievements in the Bedrock Edition can be achieved with the following Achievement world. This also includes the exclusive Play Station 4 Edition trophies, but NOT the battle mode trophies.


  • 1 Downloadable Map with all Achievements
  • 2 All Achievements
    • 2.1 Taking Inventory
    • 2.2 Getting Wood
    • 2.3 Benchmaking
    • 2.4 Time to Farm!
    • 2.5 Bake Bread
    • 2.6 The Lie!
    • 2.7 Time to Strike!
    • 2.8 Cow Tipper
    • 2.9 Repopulation
    • 2.10 When Pigs Fly
    • 2.11 Monster Hunter
    • 2.12 Sniper Duel
    • 2.13 Time to Mine!
    • 2.14 Getting an Upgrade
    • 2.15 Overpowered
    • 2.16 Hot Topic
    • 2.17 Delicious Fish
    • 2.18 Acquire Hardware
    • 2.19 On a Rail
    • 2.20 DIAMONDS!
    • 2.21 Diamonds to you!
    • 2.22 Enchanter
    • 2.23 Librarian
    • 2.24 Overkill
    • 2.25 Into the Nether
    • 2.26 Return to Sender
    • 2.27 Into Fire
    • 2.28 Local Brewery
    • 2.29 The End?
    • 2.30 Adventuring Time
    • 2.31 The End.
    • 2.32 The Beginning?
    • 2.33 The Beginning.
    • 2.34 Beaconator
    • 2.35 MOAR Tools
    • 2.36 Dispense With This
    • 2.37 Leader of the Pack
    • 2.38 Pork Chop
    • 2.39 Awarded All Trophies
    • 2.40 Passing the Time
    • 2.41 The Haggler
    • 2.42 Pot Planter
    • 2.43 It's a Sign!
    • 2.44 Iron Belly
    • 2.45 Have a Shearful Day
    • 2.46 Rainbow Collection
    • 2.47 Stayin' Frosty
    • 2.48 Chestful of Cobblestone
    • 2.49 Renewable Energy
    • 2.50 Music to my Ears
    • 2.51 Body Guard
    • 2.52 Iron Man
    • 2.53 Zombie Doctor
    • 2.54 Lion Hunter
    • 2.55 Archer
    • 2.56 Tie Dye Outfit
    • 2.57 Trampoline
    • 2.58 Camouflage
    • 2.59 Map Room
    • 2.60 Freight Station
    • 2.61 Smelt Everything!
    • 2.62 Taste of Your Own Medicine
    • 2.63 Inception
    • 2.64 Saddle Up
    • 2.65 Artificial Selection
    • 2.66 The Student...
    • 2.67 ...has become the master
    • 2.68 'Tis but a scratch
    • 2.69 Cupid
    • 2.70 Hunger Pain
    • 2.71 Mine!
    • 2.72 Free Diver
    • 2.73 Rabbit Season
    • 2.74 The Deep End
    • 2.75 Dry Spell
    • 2.76 Super Fuel
    • 2.77 You Need a Mint
    • 2.78 Beam Me Up
    • 2.79 The End... Again...
    • 2.80 Great View From Up Here
    • 2.81 Super Sonic
    • 2.82 Back from the Dead
    • 2.83 S-no Throw
    • 2.84 Snow Storm
    • 2.85 Hotshot
    • 2.86 Snowplough
    • 2.87 Overlord
    • 2.88 Underdog
    • 2.89 Treasure Hunter
    • 2.90 Organizational Wizard
    • 2.91 Feeling Ill
    • 2.92 Cheating Death
    • 2.93 Let it Go!
    • 2.94 So I Got That Going for Me
    • 2.95 Change of Sheets
    • 2.96 Echolocation
    • 2.97 Atlantis?
    • 2.98 Sail the 7 Seas
    • 2.99 Castaway
    • 2.100 Ahoy!
    • 2.101 I'm a Marine Biologist
    • 2.102 Do a Barrel Roll!
    • 2.103 Me Gold!
    • 2.104 Moskstraumen
    • 2.105 Sleep with the Fishes
    • 2.106 Alternative Fuel
    • 2.107 One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four
    • 2.108 Top of the World
    • 2.109 Where Have You Been?
    • 2.110 Zoologist
    • 2.111 Fruit on the Loom
    • 2.112 Plethora of Cats
    • 2.113 Buy Low, Sell High
    • 2.114 Disenchanted
    • 2.115 I've got a bad feeling about this
    • 2.116 We're being attacked!
    • 2.117 Sound the Alarm!
    • 2.118 Kill the Beast!
    • 2.119 Master Trader
    • 2.120 Time for Stew
    • 2.121 Bee our guest
    • 2.122 Total Beelocation
    • 2.123 Sticky Situation
    • 2.124 Bullseye
    • 2.125 Oooh, shiny!
    • 2.126 Cover me in Debris
    • 2.127 Hot tourist destination

This guide is intended to show players how to obtain all of the achievements in Minecraft. For a more detailed list of each achievement, see the achievement page. For a tutorial on the Java Edition's set of advancements, see the page Tutorials/Advancement guide.

All Achievements [ ]

There are 114 achievements in Bedrock and Nintendo Switch editions, 93 achievements in Xbox 360 and Wii U editions, 87 achievements in Xbox One Edition, 123 trophies in PlayStation 4 Edition, 94 trophies in PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita editions, and 59 achievements in New Nintendo 3DS Edition. In total, there are 126 achievements/trophies.

Number of Achievements Per Version
Version Number of Achievements/Trophies
Bedrock Edition 114 achievements
Nintendo Switch Edition
Xbox 360 Edition 93 achievements
Wii U Edition
Xbox One Edition 87 achievements[ verify ]
PlayStation 4 Edition 126 trophies
PlayStation 3 Edition 94 trophies
PlayStation Vita Edition
New Nintendo 3DS Edition 59 achievements[ verify ]

The Nintendo Switch Edition, Xbox 360 Edition, Wii U Edition, Xbox One Edition, PlayStation 4 Edition, PlayStation 3 Edition, PlayStation Vita Edition (all Legacy Console Editions), and the New Nintendo 3DS Edition, are all discontinued.

Taking Inventory [ ]

Goal: Open your inventory.

This achievement is fairly easy to obtain.

  • For keyboard: Press E
  • For controller:
  • For touch: Tap ••• (on Hotbar)

A large screen will pop up. This is the inventory and crafting menu.

Getting Wood [ ]

Goal: Pick up a wood block.

This achievement requires you to hold down the hit/mine button while facing a block of wood until it breaks, then walking over it to pick it up.

Wood blocks are found on trees, which are very easy to find in most biomes, excluding the Ocean, Desert or Badlands biomes.

Logs can also be found in swamp huts, villages, pillager outposts, and woodland mansions

Benchmaking [ ]

Goal: Construct a crafting table.

Obtain a block of wood and open your inventory. In the four-block crafting space, place the log and pick up the Planks from the output slot. Distribute these four planks evenly in the crafting space to make a 2x2 square and pick up the resulting crafting table.

Alternatively, use the recipe book and just click the crafting table to craft it.

Time to Farm! [ ]

Goal: Construct a wooden hoe.

Place the crafting table you just made on the ground, and right-click with your mouse on it, to use it. If you changed the use item/place block key to something else, use that instead.

Then make some sticks, note that this can also be done in your inventory crafting grid:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks


Now arrange your sticks and some planks in the crafting table to make a hoe:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks + Sticks

Bake Bread [ ]

Goal: Make bread.

Break several blocks of tall grass until you gain three seeds. You can do this with one seed but it will take longer.

Then right-click with your hoe on three dirt, podzol, or grass blocks to create farmland, preferably near water, so the seeds get hydrated, and grow faster.

Next, hold the seeds, and right-click on all the farmland blocks. Wait for 1-3 in-game days for the seeds to grow into wheat. Alternately, using bone meal on the seeds will cause it to grow into wheat faster.

After that, break the wheat.

Arrange the wheat like so to craft bread:

Ingredients Input » Output

The Lie! [ ]

Goal: Make cake.

This achievement is a reference to the video game Portal which spawned the meme phrase "The Cake Is A Lie".

Collect the following:

  • One Egg (can be obtained from chicken)
  • Three Milk buckets (milk cow using bucket by clicking use)
  • Two Sugar (from sugar cane)
  • Three Wheat

If you don't have a bucket, you can also craft it using iron.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Iron Ingot

Click on the items to see how to obtain them.

Arrange the ingredients like so to craft cake:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Milk Bucket +
Sugar +
Egg +

Time to Strike! [ ]

Goal: Construct a wooden sword.

Make sure that you have one stick and two wooden planks in your inventory. Better materials for the blade work for this achievement too.

Arrange the ingredients like so to craft a wooden sword:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks + Sticks

Cow Tipper [ ]

Goal: Pick up leather.

Find a cow, mooshroom, horse, donkey, or a llama. Cows can appear at any place with grass and enough light, unless it is an ocean biome. Horses and Donkeys can only spawn in a plains and savanna biome. Red mooshroom only spawn in mushroom fields biome. Llamas only spawn in mountains and savanna biomes. You may have to wander a bit to find one, so make sure you'll be able to find your way back.

Then when you find one, stand next to it and left-click to hit it. You will need to hit it a lot to kill it. They can drop one or two leather (cows along with raw beef). If you did not get any, try the same with another cow, mooshroom, horse, donkey, or llama.

Another way to obtain the achievement is to find and kill some rabbits until you have at least four rabbit hides. Then craft leather and throw it on the ground. When you pick it up, you'll get the achievement.

Another way is by fishing leather if you have luck.

Repopulation [ ]

Goal: Breed two cows with each-other.

Use wheat on two cows or two mooshrooms to make them breed.

When Pigs Fly [ ]

Goal: Take any amount of fall damage when riding on a pig.

Get a saddle and a carrot on a stick.

Use the saddle on a pig, which should be near a cliff. The easiest way to get it to jump off a cliff is to hold a carrot on a stick in your hand and walk, like you normally would, in the direction of the cliff until you and the pig fall.

Alternatively, you can put the pig on a piston, trapdoor, fence gate, or any kind of opening mechanism. Then ride the pig up there and open the mechanism so you and the pig will take fall damage.

Monster Hunter [ ]

Goal: Kill a hostile mob (monster).

Find a hostile mob. In the Overworld, they can only spawn in darkness, so you should wait until night, or find a dark area like a cave. In the Nether, most can spawn in bright areas. In the End, endermen can only spawn in darkness. You can also find a spawner in a dungeon, mineshaft, stronghold, nether fortress, or woodland mansion and wait for a monster to spawn. Silverfish can be hidden in stone blocks in mountains biomes, and will spawn when the stone is broken.

Then hit it until it dies. With a sword or some tools, this goes faster.

Sniper Duel [ ]

Goal: Kill a skeleton by shooting it from a distance of at least 50 blocks.

Find a large flat area on the surface. Dig a trench one and a half blocks deep, two blocks wide and several blocks long. Line the trench with light. Just over 50 meters away from the lip of the trench, make a tower 15 blocks high. When night comes, wait for a skeleton to fall into the trench or lure it in. Then from your tower, aim just above the skeleton, about halfway between it and the horizon, and fire from full charge until it dies. With a flame enchantment, you can see where your arrows landed better and can adjust your aim easier, but the skeleton might die of the fire, not giving the achievement.

Time to Mine! [ ]

Goal: Construct a Wooden Pickaxe.

Make sure that you have 3 wood planks and 2 sticks in your inventory.

Arrange the ingredients like so or click the wooden pickaxe button in the recipe book to craft a wooden pickaxe:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks + Sticks

Getting an Upgrade [ ]

Goal: Construct a cobblestone, or better, pickaxe from sticks and cobblestone, or other better ingredients.

Use your new wooden pickaxe to mine some stone, which in return you will receive cobblestone. Make sure that you have two sticks in your inventory.

Ingredients Input » Output
Cobblestone + Sticks

Overpowered [ ]

Goal: Eat an Enchanted Apple.

These can not be crafted as of 1.9. You must now find them in on of the following structure: desert temple, dungeon, mineshaft, Bastion Remnant, Ruined portal, or woodland mansion.

Hot Topic [ ]

Goal: Construct a furnace.

Mine 8 blocks of cobblestone and open your crafting table. Arrange the cobblestone like so to craft a furnace:

Ingredients Input » Output

Delicious Fish [ ]

Goal: Obtain the item that gets created after cooking fish.

The easiest way to catch a fish is to swim underwater and using a sword, attacking the salmon/cod.

Alternatively, you can craft and use a fishing rod. Cast your rod into a water body, then right-click so the "bait" lands into the water, and wait till it comes closer to the rod and right-click again when you hear a splash sound. The fish will fly towards you and probably will be picked up by you too.

At last, put the cod or salmon you got in the furnace with fuel like so:

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Raw Cod or
Raw Salmon +
Any fuel

Acquire Hardware [ ]

Goal: Pick up an iron ingot.

Mine iron ore with a stone pickaxe, and put it in the furnace like so:

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Raw Iron +
Any fuel

Alternatively you can find them in various loot chests, and are also a rare drop from zombies.

On a Rail [ ]

Goal: Travel 500 blocks with a minecart from where you started.

It will take at least 192 iron ingots as well as 32 sticks to craft enough rails (32 * 16). Alternatively, you can find and break them in mineshafts or woodland mansions. Then, build a continuous track so that a minecart can travel the full distance. Afterwards, place a minecart on the start of the track, then travel from the start to the end without leaving the minecart. The achievement does not allow you to repeatedly loop the same section of the track.

You will most likely need powered rails to get this achievement. These will take additional resources. You can also make a gradual decline from a great height to use gravity instead of powered rails.


Goal: Pick up a diamond.

Look in various loot chests or Search below layer 16 for diamond ore (layer 5-12 is also good, layer 12 is the best; press F3 to see your coordinates) and destroy it using your iron pickaxe. Creeper or TNT explosions have a chance of dropping the diamond as well. Mineshafts are extremely useful for this achievement. mines Arrange the ingredients like so to craft an iron pickaxe:

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot + Sticks

Diamonds to you! [ ]

Goal: Throw a diamond at another player or mob that can pick it up.

Drop/throw a diamond using Q or the key that you use, at another player or mob that can pick it up, such as a zombie.

Note: Mobs won't pick up items on easy difficulty, or if mob griefing is false. Foxes do not work.

Enchanter [ ]

Goal: Craft an Enchantment Table

Make a diamond pickaxe so you can mine at least four obsidian (or find it in various loot chests):

Ingredients Input » Output
Diamonds + Sticks

Then get three paper and one leather, the paper being made from sugar canes like so:

Ingredients Input » Output
Sugar Cane


Then craft a book like so:

Ingredients Input » Output
Leather + Paper

Arrange the ingredients like so to craft an enchantment table:

Ingredients Input » Output
Book + Diamond + Obsidian

Librarian [ ]

Goal: Construct a bookshelf.

Make sure you have six wood planks and 3 books in your inventory,

Arrange the ingredients like so to craft a bookshelf:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks + Book

To achieve the maximum potential from the enchantment table, place 15 bookshelves 1 block away from the enchantment table (in a box shape), like this:

Although not required, this is the most efficient method to acquire the highest enchantment possible. Any additional bookshelves around the enchantment table beyond 15 will not increase the maximum level beyond 30 and will only serve aesthetic purposes.

Overkill [ ]

Goal: Deal 9 hearts of damage in one hit.

Enchant a sword with Bane of Arthropods, Smite, or Sharpness with a level high enough to deal together with the sword's base damage at least 18 ♥ × 9 in one hit to a mob/player. Alternatively, enchant trident with Impaling. Dealing critical hits greatly helps for this achievement. Potions of strength will count as increased damage so strength will make this achievement easier. The netherite sword is the easiest.

Into the Nether [ ]

Goal: Create a Nether Portal

Collect at least 10 obsidian with a diamond or netherite pickaxe and build a nether portal. If you cannot get obsidian in item form, create a mold and pour water next to lava source blocks (more details can be found in Tutorials/Nether survival). Light the nether portal with flint and steel.

Place your obsidian blocks like so, upright. The cobblestone can be replaced with obsidian, or any other block (including air).

You can make nether portals up to 23x23, but it is not recommended as it requires a lot of obsidian.

Return to Sender [ ]

Goal: Kill a ghast with a fireball.

Aim at the ghast then punch the fireball when it is close enough to you to deflect it. If you can perfectly aim, a shot arrow or fishing rod bobber may hit the fireball and deflect it, or you can hit it back with a sword. When you are hitting it you have to time it right, and to hit it back with a sword you use the use button with a sword in your hand.

Into Fire [ ]

Goal: Pick up a blaze rod.

Kill a blaze and collect its dropped blaze rod. An easy way to do this is to find a nether fortress, then find a blaze spawner. Armed with over 7 snowballs, attack the blaze from range. Blazes don't always drop their rods so you might have to try a few times. A Potion of Fire Resistance is useful. Upon the blaze's death, collect the rod.

Local Brewery [ ]

Goal: Pick up a Potion from one of the 3 lower Brewing Stand's slots.

Get a water bottle, Place it in one of the 3 lower brewing stand's slots, then put blaze powder in the fuel slot. Then put a potion ingredient in it, and wait until it is done brewing.

If you don't have glass bottle, you can craft it using glass. To create glass, smelt sand

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Sand +
Any fuel

Then craft empty bottle

Ingredients Input » Output


Then fill the glass bottle with water, to turn it into a water bottle.

Arrange the ingredients like so to craft a Brewing Stand:

Ingredients Input » Output
Blaze Rod + Cobblestone

The End? [ ]

Goal: Enter an end portal.

Throw ender eyes and follow them to locate a stronghold.

Then find the stronghold's portal room.

After that activate the portal by using an eye of ender in every empty end portal edge block slot, then jump into the portal.

Arrange the ingredients like so to craft an eye of ender:

Ingredients Input » Output
Ender Pearl + Blaze Powder

Adventuring Time [ ]

Goal: Set foot in 17 biomes.

Travel and step into 17 biomes in the game.

NOTE: This achievement is almost unobtainable in old worlds.

The End. [ ]

Goal: Enter the Exit Portal after killing the ender dragon.

Here is how to slay it.

  • Destroy the End crystals using projectiles (like snowballs, eggs, bow or crossbow with arrows, etc.)
  • After they are destroyed, hit the Ender dragon using projectiles (like bow with arrows, etc.). An enchanted bow would probably be the best option.
  • When you kill the ender dragon, you will gain 60-78 levels of experience and a return portal will generate. Get the experience, and (optionally) the dragon egg. Then, enjoy the credits. (You can press Esc to skip the credits.)

The Beginning? [ ]

Goal: Spawn the wither.

Here are some tips for how to spawn it.

  • Soul sand or soul soil are not that difficult to acquire. It can be found in the nether in soul sand valley biomes. Just watch out for ghasts and other hostile mobs that spawn in the nether.

Wither Skulls on the other hand are difficult to obtain. Here are the best tips available.

  • To increase spawn rates, break down the walls to have more floor space
  • Remove any blazes and their spawners, (unless you are skilled in making experience farms using them.)
  • Wear diamond armor (or netherite) and bring a fire resistance potion (for blazes and accidental lava deaths).
  • It is also helpful to have a diamond sword (or netherite) with the looting III enchantment.
  • Have lots of patience. You'll need it since wither skulls are a rare drop and you need three.
  • Be careful of the wither skeleton's attacks. They give you the wither effect, which is poisonous and extremely deadly. It may be a good idea to bring milk.
  • Snowballs are also a terrific way to defeat blazes.
  • Every 15 blocks or so, put a bar so the walkway is only two blocks high. Wither skeletons cannot walk under anything that is less than three blocks tall.

Once you have three wither skeleton skulls and four soul sand, build the wither as follows:

The Beginning. [ ]

Goal: Kill the wither.

This is the easiest way to defeat the wither, however, some would say it takes the fun out of killing the Wither. It's your game, so play it how you want to play. but this is the most efficient way.

  1. Go to the nether.
  2. Dig up until you reach the top bedrock.
  3. Look for a 3 by 3 area of bedrock with the center block so it has nothing behind it.
  4. Exactly Three blocks down, place a piston. Next to it place a lever.
  5. Spawn the wither on the piston and pull the lever before it blows up. Run out of the blast radius.
  6. Once the wither blows up, it will be stuck in the bedrock ceiling and can't do any more damage. At this point hit it with whatever you like. It's kind of inefficient to do it with fists, but you could do it with anything, be careful when it reach half health, wither will explode and spawn 3-4 wither skeletons around it, and can start using dash attack. A netherite sword with smite enchantment is quickest.
  7. Once the wither is dead, pick up the Nether Star.

Beaconator [ ]

Goal: Create a full beacon.

Craft a beacon:

Ingredients Input » Output
Glass + Nether Star + Obsidian

This is the second most tedious achievement because you will need 164 blocks of gem/metal, or 1,476 gem/metal ingots. (Around 23 stacks)

  • Once you have all of your iron ingots, gold ingots, diamonds, emeralds or netherite ingots make 164 blocks of gem/metal. Then make a square layer of 81 blocks, then a layer of 49, then 25 and then 9. In the middle of the last layer of the pyramid, place a beacon. Make sure there are no opaque blocks above it, as an opaque block above it will deactivate the beacon. Feed it an iron ingot, gold ingot, diamond, or emerald and choose your primary power and secondary power.

MOAR Tools [ ]

Goal: Construct one of each type of tool.

This achievement is fairly simple. Collect 4 logs and then turn them all into planks. Use 4 of the planks to craft 8 sticks. Lastly, use the remaining planks and sticks to craft a wooden pickaxe, axe, shovel, and hoe. You should have 3 planks left over.

Crafting wooden axe and shovel

Ingredients Input » Output
Planks + Stick
Ingredients Input » Output
Planks + Stick

Note: You can also use other materials such as stone, gold, iron, or diamonds to get the achievement.

Dispense With This [ ]

Goal: Craft a dispenser.

This achievement has several steps:

  1. Mine 1 log. Craft this log into planks, and then those planks into sticks. You will only need 3 out of the 4 sticks.
  2. Kill some spiders. Spiders only spawn in light levels lower than 8 (i.e. in unlit caves, at night, etc.). Make sure to collect 3 pieces of string from the spiders you kill.
  3. Mine 7 pieces of stone to collect cobblestone. Then, mine some redstone ore (redstone ore generates only below y-level 16).
  4. Use your collected sticks and string to craft a bow.
  5. Lastly, use the bow, cobblestone, and redstone to craft a dispenser, like so:
Ingredients Input » Output
Cobblestone + Bow + Redstone Dust

Leader of the Pack [ ]

Goal: Tame a total of five wolves.

Make sure you have at least 30 bones incase of defective dog taming and they are found in:

  • Forest , except Flower Forest
  • Taiga
  • Giant Tree Taiga
  • Snowy Taiga

Pork Chop [ ]

Goal: Eat a piece of porkchop.

You are going to need some raw porkchop to earn this achievement, so kill a pig or a hoglin until you get at least one pork chop. You also need a furnace (or a smoker or a campfire). Mine 8 cobblestone and craft a furnace (and you can use the furnace and 4 striped logs for a smoker, or instead [insert materials to make a campfire here] to make a campfire) on your work bench. Use some fuel to power the furnace (or smoker, if you use a campfire just right click the campfire with the pork) and put the pork in the top spot.

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Raw Porkchop +
Any fuel

After eating the cooked porkchop, the achievement is awarded to you!

Awarded All Trophies [ ]

Goal: Get All of the achievements completed.

Automatically obtained when all other trophies have been obtained (PlayStation only)

Passing the Time [ ]

Goal: Play for 100 days.

Play for 100 minecraft days, which is equal to 33 hours and 20 minutes in real time.

The Haggler [ ]

Goal: Acquire or spend 30 Emeralds by trading.

Find a village, if you see a farm and farmer villager, see what their trades are, you can sell wheat, potato, carrot, or beetroot depending on what the farmer offers. You may need an extra farm if you can't find these crops already growing in the village. You can easily get a ton of emeralds using this method, up to 12 per day for each farmer villager. You can also trade with a butcher villager for 7 raw pork chops for one emerald.

Pot Planter [ ]

Goal: Craft a Flower Pot

  1. Mine 1 clay block.
  2. smelt 3 clayballs into brick in furnace
Ingredients Smelting recipe
Clay (ball) +
Any fuel
  1. Craft a flower pot
Ingredients Input » Output

It's a Sign! [ ]

Goal: Place a sign

You need a stick and 6 planks then craft a sign, then finally place it.

Ingredients Input » Output
Planks + Sticks

3 3 3 3 3 3

Iron Belly [ ]

Goal: Eat Rotten Flesh while Starving

You need to deplete your hunger bar to zero(empty), then eat rotten flesh. Hunger bar can also be depleted by sprinting while jumping at only 2 blocks high, eating pufferfish also can deplete hunger much faster but is potentially too risky. Rotten flesh can be found in chests in some generated structures, by killing zombies and their variants, or by fishing. If you have a tamed cat which you leave standing while you sleep, the cat can also bring you a gift of rotten flesh.

Have a Shearful Day [ ]

Goal: Shear a Sheep.

Press use while holding shears on sheep, you need to craft shears before it:

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot

Rainbow Collection [ ]

Goal: Collect all 16 wool color.

You can collect different dye and dyeing wool or dyeing sheep then shear it, another way is buying colored wool from shepherd villager or finding in woodland mansion.

The colors are White, Brown, Black, Light Gray, Gray, Pink, Magenta, Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green,Light blue, Cyan, Blue, and Purple.

You could get White, Brown, Black, Gray, Light Gray wool and pink(extremely rare) from natural sheep without dying the wool.

A lot of the dyes for this comes from flowers so if you see a flower you have not obtained, grabbing it is suggested.

Jungles will have some of the required dyes.

Stayin' Frosty [ ]

Goal: Swim in lava while having the Fire Resistance effect.

First, you need to have the Fire Resistance effect, such as from potion of fire resistance. To brew the potion, you need brewing stand fueled with blaze powder, a water bottle, and nether wart + magma cream. If you can't find magma cube, craft one from slime ball and blaze powder.

Ingredients Input » Output
Slimeball + Blaze Powder

Then brew it:

Ingredients Input » Output
Water Bottle + Nether Wart

Add magma cream to awkward potion

Ingredients Input » Output
Awkward Potion + Magma Cream

Another way to gain fire resistance such as buy arrow of fire resistance from master-level fletcher villager then aim at the sky and shot it using bow, eating an enchanted golden apple or using totem of undying also give player fire resistance. After effect granted, jump into lava. Alternatively, use a totem of undying in lava.

Chestful of Cobblestone [ ]

Goal: Mine 1,728 Cobblestone and place it in a chest.

Mine 1728 cobblestone or 27 stacks of cobblestone and place it in a chest. Cobblestone can be obtained anywhere as terrain foundation is filled with stone. If you don't want to dig underground you can cut hills or mountains, or just create a cobblestone generator.

Renewable Energy [ ]

Goal: Smelt wood logs using charcoal to make charcoal.

First, you need a furnace. Place logs in input slot, then power furnace with fuel, after logs turn into charcoal, use that as fuel to make more charcoal.

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Any Log or
Any Wood or
Any Stripped Log or
Any Stripped Wood +

Music to my Ears [ ]

Goal: Play a music disc in a Jukebox.

You need to craft and place down jukebox first, using 8 planks and a diamond.

Ingredients Input » Output
Planks + Diamond

Then, you need a music disc. Cat and 13 can be found in dungeon and woodland mansion, while mellohi and wait can be found in buried treasure, other music disc can be obtained by skeleton or stray killing creeper.

Body Guard [ ]

Goal: Create an Iron Golem.

You need 36 iron ingots and a pumpkin, carved pumpkin, or jack-o'lantern. Craft 4 blocks of iron

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot

then place it like this

Iron Man [ ]

Goal: Wear a full set of Iron Armor.

You need 24 iron ingots to craft full set of iron armor

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot

Iron Armor can also be obtained from village weaponsmith, village armorer, stronghold altar, and end city chest or bought from armorer villager, or dropped by vindicator or pillager spawn in raids.

Zombie Doctor [ ]

Goal: Cure a Zombie Villager

Throw a splash potion of weakness at a zombie villager and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie villager and pressing the use key with a golden apple in your hand)

Splash potion of weakness can be brewed in brewing stand using water bottle by adding fermented spider eye.

Ingredients Input » Output
Water Bottle + Fermented Spider Eye

then add gunpowder

Ingredients Input » Output
Potion of Weakness + Gunpowder

Potion of Weakness

Golden apples can be crafted using 8 gold ingots and an apple.

Ingredients Input » Output
Gold Ingot + Apple

Golden apples can also be found in dungeon, woodland mansion, mineshaft, ruins, desert pyramid, igloo and stronghold chests.

You can also find a zombie villager in an igloo basement, with a splash potion of weakness already in brewing stand and a golden apple in the chest. The zombie villager is in an iron bars cell so curing it will take less time.

Lion Hunter [ ]

Goal: Gain the Trust of an Ocelot.

Feed an ocelot with a raw cod or raw salmon. Ocelots can only spawn in a jungle biome and variants. Once gained trust, ocelots no longer flee from you and you get this achievement.

Archer [ ]

Goal: Kill a Creeper with Arrows.

This achievement is easy to obtain once you have a bow and several arrows. Just shoot creeper at distance using a bow until it dies.

Tie Dye Outfit [ ]

Goal: Dye all 4 types of Leather Armor.

You need a full set of leather armor, consisting of leather cap, leather tunic, leather pants, and leather boots. Then it requires a cauldron, water, and dyes. To craft a cauldron, you need 7 iron ingots

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot

You can fill cauldron using water bucket, rain, or glass bottle. For dye, you can obtain it from flowers, cactus, lapis lazuli, cocoa bean, bone meal, ink sac, or by combining multiple dyes. Then dye water by adding it to the cauldron. Lastly, press use at cauldron filled with dyed water while holding leather armor.

Trampoline [ ]

Goal: Bounce 30 Blocks Upward off a Slime Block.

First, craft a slime block using 9 slimeball, slimeballs can be obtained from trading with the wandering trader or from sneezing panda or by killing slime.

Ingredients Input » Output

A simple way to achieve this achievement is to place 9 slime blocks in 3x3 block wide (5x5 are recommended), then use several stack of block such as dirt, cobblestone, planks, etc. to make tall pillar by jump-placing block till reach heigh limit than drop yourself to fall into slime block. If you built at the top of mountains biomes, you will reach height limit faster, but bounce height also decrease.

Camouflage [ ]

Goal: Kill a Mob While Wearing the same Type of Mob Head.

This achievement requires a mob head to obtain. Wither skeleton skull is the easiest to obtain as it doesn't require charged creeper to kill it. Wear the skull and kill another wither skeleton, and you will get this achievement.

Map Room [ ]

Goal: Place 9 Fully Explored, Adjacent Maps Into 9 Item Frames In a 3x3 Square.

First, you need to place 9 item frames in 3x3 square. Item frame can be crafted using sticks and leather:

Ingredients Input » Output
Stick + Leather

Then for maps, the map actually doesn't need a pointer, so compass are not required, and the cheapest way to create empty map without wasting so many paper is using cartography table which can be crafted using paper and planks:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks + Paper

Then use the cartography table to create an empty map. Just place paper on one of the input slots and you will get an empty map in the output slot. So you only need 11 paper (2 to craft a cartography table, and 9 for 9 empty maps) After you create 9 empty maps, you can create a map by pressing use, and since scale level is 0 it is easy to explore. Once all 9 maps completely explored, place it in each empty map you arranged in 3x3 block.

Freight Station [ ]

Goal: Use a Hopper to Transport an Item From a Chest Minecart to a Chest.

You need to craft a chest, a hopper, and minecart with chest. Crafting chest:

Ingredients Input » Output
Wood Planks

Chest can also be found in most generated structures.

Crafting hopper:

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot + Chest

Crafting minecart with chest:

Ingredients Input » Output
Minecart + Chest

Minecart with chest can also be found in mineshaft.

Crafting rail

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot + Sticks


Rails can also be found inside minecarts with chest in mineshaft, only one required.

Place a chest, connect a hopper to the chest, place a rail on top of hopper, place a minecart with chest on a rail, and put the item in the minecart with chest.

Smelt Everything! [ ]

Goal: Connect Three Chests To A Single Furnace Using Three Hoppers.

Create an automatic smelter using a single furnace, 3 hoppers, and 3 chest, like this:

Taste of Your Own Medicine [ ]

Goal: Poison a Witch with a Splash Potion.

Throw a splash potion of poison at a witch (by facing the witch and pressing the use key). To brew splash potion of poison

Ingredients Input » Output
Awkward Potion + Spider Eye

then add gunpowder

Ingredients Input » Output
Potion of Poison + Gunpowder

Potion of Poison

Inception [ ]

Goal: Push a Piston with a piston, then pull the original piston with that piston.

This require a piston and sticky piston, some redstone dust and a lever

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot + Planks + Redstone Dust + Cobblestone

For sticky piston:

Ingredients Input » Output
Piston + Slimeball

To craft a lever:

Ingredients Input » Output
Cobblestone + Stick

Connect redstone to lever, piston, and sticky piston, then active it

Saddle Up [ ]

Goal: Tame a Horse.

You can tame adult horses using an empty hand to mount the horse repeatedly; when it no longer bucks the player and shows hearts, it is tamed.

Artificial Selection [ ]

Goal: Breed a mule from a horse and a donkey.

You can breed horse and donkey using golden apple or golden carrot, but golden carrots are recommended, since its cheaper (As it only requires gold nuggets, instead of gold ingots)

Ingredients Input » Output
Gold Nuggets+Carrot

You can also buy 3 golden carrots from a master-level farmer for 3 emeralds.

The Student... [ ]

Goal: Win a public Battle mini game.

...has become the master [ ]

Goal: Win 3 public Battle games in a row.

'Tis but a scratch [ ]

Goal: Take 100 damage in a round of a public Battle mini game.

Reference to monty python

Cupid [ ]

Goal: Kill 2 players in a round of a public Battle mini game using a bow and arrow.

Hunger Pain [ ]

Goal: Kill a player while you are starving in a Battle mini game.

Mine! [ ]

Goal: Open every chest in a Battle mini game arena in one round

Free Diver [ ]

Goal: Stay underwater for 2 minutes.

Drink a potion of water breathing, then jump into water. Or use whirlpool bubble columns from a magma blocks to breath underwater for 2 minutes. Magma blocks can be usually found in underwater trenches, underwater cavern at lava layer, and at underwater ruins. To brew potions of water breathing, you need pufferfish, find the potion in buried treasure, or killing a witch while it is drinking the potion. You can get pufferfish by fishing outside jungle biomes or killing pufferfish which can only spawn in warm ocean.

Ingredients Input » Output
Awkward Potion + Pufferfish

then add redstone to extend the duration:

Ingredients Input » Output
Potion of Water Breathing + Redstone Dust

Potion of Water Breathing

Rabbit Season [ ]

Goal: Cook and eat rabbit meat.

You are going to need some raw rabbit to earn this achievement, so kill rabbits until you get at least one raw rabbit. Then cook it in a furnace, smoker, or campfire. When cooking with a campfire, you do not require fuel, so after a short time the food will cook itself. Crafting Smoker:

Ingredients Input » Output
Furnace + Any Log 'or' Any Stripped Log
Ingredients Smelting recipe
Raw Rabbit +
Any fuel

After eating the cooked rabbit, the achievement is awarded to you!

The Deep End [ ]

Goal: Defeat an Elder Guardian.

3 elder guardians always spawns in each monument, which generate only in deep ocean biome variants. Its better for you to wear a turtle shell with Respiration III and diamond boots with Depth Strider III. Having potion of water breathing can also help you stay underwater for longer time, or you can also use soul sand to create upward bubble columns, which can give you oxygen plus push entity upward. Its recommended to kill elder guardians using trident enchanted with Impaling V. Strength potion II may also help defeat elder guardian easier. To brew a Potion of Strength

Ingredients Input » Output
Awkward Potion + Blaze Powder

Upgrade it using glowstone dust

Ingredients Input » Output
Potion of Strength + Glowstone Dust

Potion of Strength

Dry Spell [ ]

Goal: Dry a sponge in a furnace.

Smelt a wet sponge in a furnace. Wet Sponges can be obtained in the sponge rooms of an Ocean Monument (Not all have a sponge room), or as a drop from an Elder Guardian.

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Wet Sponge +
Any fuel

Super Fuel [ ]

Goal: Power a furnace with lava

Smelt anything in furnace, smoker, or blast furnace using lava bucket as fuel. Put lava bucket in fuel slot. When the bucket is empty, you get the achievement.

You Need a Mint [ ]

Goal: Collect Dragon's Breath in a Glass Bottle.

During the fight with the ender dragon, press use while holding a glass bottle when the ender dragon uses its breath attack or shooting dragon fireball.

Beam Me Up [ ]

Goal: Teleport over 100 Blocks by throwing an Ender Pearl.

First, you need an ender pearl, then throw it. Make sure there are no obstacles in front, so you won't teleport there. You can also go to the top of mountains biome and throw an ender pearl to other biomes, make sure to face straight and little a bit looking up, not looking down. You can also get this achievement when you teleport from top of obsidian pillar to end fountain. Or once you beat the ender dragon, enter the end city portion of the end, through the portal made of bedrock, with an ender pearl.

The End... Again... [ ]

Goal: Respawn the Ender Dragon.

After you defeat an ender dragon, you can respawn ender dragon by placing 4 end crystal at end fountain. To craft end crystal.

Ingredients Input » Output
Glass + Eye of Ender + Ghast Tear

Great View From Up Here [ ]

Goal: Levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker.

First, you need to enter an end gateway, using water to swim through one block gap or by throwing ender pearl.

Once you teleported to outer islands, you need to find end city, where shulker can be found.

When shulkers shoot shulker bullets, move toward the bullet and let it hurt you, then you start to levitate, but you need to take damage of some bullet as a single bullet won't levitate high enough, and make sure there is no block above you. Because you will take some damage from the bullet, it's recommended to wear armor with Projectile Protection IV on all armor pieces. As you will fall down when the effect ends, your boots should be enchanted with Feather Falling IV, or/and drink Potion of slow falling or eat a chorus fruit so it completely negates all fall damage. To Brew Potion of slow falling, you need phantom membrane dropped by phantom which can only spawn after the player has not slept for at least 3 days.

Ingredients Input » Output
Awkward Potion + Phantom Membrane

Extends it using redstone dust

Ingredients Input » Output
Potion of Slow Falling + Redstone Dust

Potion of Slow Falling

Super Sonic [ ]

Goal: Fly with the Elytra through a 1 by 1 gap while moving faster than 40 m/s

First, you need to find elytra in an end city. End cities have a chance of generating end ships, which is where elytra can be found. It is on item frame guarded by a shulker. Use an ender pearl to teleport there or utilize a shulker bullet.

Once you have elytra, wear it in the chestplate slot. You can glide now by press jump while falling.

To make your flying speed higher, you need fireworks. Recommended to craft using 3 gunpowder, so it will boost longer

Ingredients Input » Output
Paper + Gunpowder


Try to fly through one by one block gap at high speed with the boost of a firework rocket, such as fly through end gateway.

Back from the Dead [ ]

Goal: Win 3 rounds in a row after one of the opponents has won 2 rounds.

S-no Throw [ ]

Goal: Win a single round of Snowball Tumble without throwing any Snowballs.

Snow Storm [ ]

Goal: Hit a single Player with 25 Snowballs in a single public round.

Hotshot [ ]

Goal: Hit a Player with a Snowball while falling into the Lava.

Snowplough [ ]

Goal: Push three Players into Lava using Snowballs in a single public round.

Overlord [ ]

Goal: Stay on the top layer while winning a round in a Snowball Tumble Mini Game.

Underdog [ ]

Goal: Win a Tumble game whilst on the lowest layer in a Snowball Tumble Mini Game.

Treasure Hunter [ ]

Goal: Visit the Woodland Mansion or Monument while that Explorer Map is in hotbar.

First, you need to sell some paper and buy some empty maps from a novice-level cartographer villager, when the cartographer reach apprentice-level, buy a lot item frames and sell several glass panes. When cartographers reach journeyman-level, it's important to see what their offer. If the cartographer sells woodland explorer map or ocean explorer map, buy it which costs 12 emeralds and a compass. If the offer is an empty locator map, that means you must trade with another cartographer. To craft glass panes

Ingredients Input » Output


To craft compass

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot + Redstone Dust

After you bought the map, go to destination structure, while carrying that explorer map.

Organizational Wizard [ ]

Goal: Rename a Shulker Box.

First, you must have a shulker box, which is crafted using a chest and 2 shulker shells, which are dropped from shulkers that spawn in end cities.

Ingredients Input » Output
Shulker Shell + Chest

Then to rename it, you need an anvil

Ingredients Input » Output
Iron Ingot + Block of Iron

Use anvil and put a shulker box in left most slot, its name should appear. Renaming it cost 1 experience level.

Feeling Ill [ ]

Goal: Defeat an Evoker

Kill an evoker. Evokers can only spawn in woodland mansions or during raids. In woodland mansions, evokers can only spawn on the second and third floor, while during raids they start to spawn at wave 5. The easiest way to find evoker is via raids as the player doesn't need to travel far away, but requires Bad Omen before entering a village. Make sure to set the difficulty on normal or hard, as easy difficulty only consists of 3 waves of raids and there are no evokers during Wave 3.

Beware of the evoker fang and vexes, recommended to attack using a ranged weapon such as bow or crossbow.

Cheating Death [ ]

Goal: Have the Totem of Undying in your hand when you die.

You can get a totem of undying by killing an evoker, then placing the totem in your mainhand or offhand. Lastly, you need to die while holding totem.

Let it Go! [ ]

Goal: Using the Frost Walker Boots, walk on at least one block on Frosted Ice on a Deep Ocean biome variant.

Frost walker is treasure enchantment, so you can find it from chest in structure, fishing, trading with librarian villager, or killing raiding illager in raids.

If you cannot find deep ocean biomes, buy an ocean explorer map from a cartographer, as monuments will only generate in deep ocean biomes variants. If the deep ocean is deep frozen ocean, the surface will be completely frozen, and you need to break some ice and walk on water, or go inside iceberg, since water only freezes when directly spotted to sunlight, while water in iceberg tunnels doesn't freeze. Once you transform water into frosted ice and walk at least one block, you get the achievement.

So I Got That Going for Me [ ]

Goal: Lead a Caravan containing at least 5 Llamas.

An easy way to obtain this achievement is by killing the wandering trader, so you will get 2 lead with 2 tamed trader llama, leash one and another trader llama will form a caravan, for more llama you can wait for another wandering trader or go to mountains or savanna biomes, you can also breed regular llamas as baby llamas are also counted towards caravans (the trader llama cannot breed). The llamas don't need to be tamed. If you cannot find a lead, you can craft it using string and a slimeball.

Ingredients Input » Output
String + Slimeball


Change of Sheets [ ]

Goal: Dye your Bed a different color.

Change your bed color by re-dyeing the bed using dye.

To craft a bed

Ingredients Input » Output
Any Planks + Matching Wool

To re-dye a bed

Ingredients Input » Output
Any Bed + Any Dye

Echolocation [ ]

Goal: Feed a Dolphin Raw Cod and have it lure you to treasure.

Feed a dolphin with raw cod, then follow it to the treasure, if dolphin stops moving, but no structure is located, feed it again until it leads you to ruins or a shipwreck.

Dolphins can spawn on any ocean except frozen ocean and deep frozen ocean.

Atlantis? [ ]

Goal: Find an Ocean Ruins.

As long you live in the ocean, this achievement is easy to achieve. If you don't live in the ocean, you need to find one. Create a map using a cartography table, so it only costs one paper instead of nine. Then, add a pointer by adding a compass to an empty map. After an empty locator is created, use the map and zoom in from scale level 1:1 to 1:8, which requires 3 papers if zoomed in using a cartography table. As you fill the map, you having a high chance to find ocean ruins, since it's commonly generated in the ocean, but rarely on lands. This method is very effective for frozen ocean biomes and deep variants since dolphins don't spawn here. Keep your eyes peeled, ocean ruins are made of a block, which resembles the ocean floor, in regular ocean, cold ocean, frozen ocean, and their deep variants ruins primarily made out of stone brick as the ocean floor is gravel, while in warm, lukewarm, and their deep variants primarily made out of sandstone as the ocean floor is sand.

Sail the 7 Seas [ ]

Goal: Visit 9 Ocean biomes.

There are 11 ocean biomes variants, but 2 of them which are Deep Warm Ocean and Legacy Frozen Ocean are unused, so only 9 of ocean biomes which is;

  • Warm Ocean
  • Regular Ocean
  • Lukewarm Ocean
  • Cold Ocean
  • Frozen Ocean
  • Regular Deep Ocean
  • Deep Lukewarm Ocean
  • Deep Cold Ocean
  • Deep Frozen Ocean

You can travel using boat or swimming. If you prefer swimming, boots enchanted with Depth Strider may help you move faster on water, plus dolphin can also give you swimming speed boost to you.

Castaway [ ]

Goal: Eat nothing but Dried Kelp for three in-game days.

Eat dried kelp once; in the following three in-game days, eat nothing but dried kelp. To obtain dried kelp, you need to find kelp, which can be found abundantly in ocean biomes variants except in warm ocean, frozen ocean, and deep frozen ocean. After you get kelp, cook it in furnace, smoker, or campfire. To craft a campfire

Ingredients Input » Output
Stick + Coal or Charcoal + Log or Stripped Log or Wood or Stripped Wood
Ingredients Smelting recipe
Kelp +
Any fuel

Ahoy! [ ]

Goal: Find a Shipwreck.

This achievement is a bit harder than finding ruins as shipwrecks are rarer than ocean ruins. On rare occasions, you may find shipwrecks on land. Shipwrecks will be easily visible as they are made out of planks, which easy to spot. Also, undamaged shipwrecks are more noticeable, especially in warm oceans, due to coral reefs making them easy to distinguish.

I'm a Marine Biologist [ ]

Goal: Catch Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish or Tropical Fish using Empty Bucket or Water Bucket.

Hold an empty bucket or water bucket, then press use on a cod, salmon, pufferfish, or tropical fish. Cod can only spawn in lukewarm, normal, and cold ocean (along with their deep variants). Pufferfish and tropical fish spawn only in warm oceans. Salmon spawn in cold, frozen ocean (along with their deep variants), river and frozen river. So, salmon are the easiest to encounter, since rivers are easier to find than oceans.

Do a Barrel Roll! [ ]

Goal: Use Riptide Trident to launch yourself any distance with it.

To obtain a trident, you must kill some drowned. You can find them in the ocean and rivers or you can convert zombies into drowned. Drowned can still drop tridents, even when they don't spawn holding a trident.

After you have a trident, enchant it with riptide. Since it can only be launched during rain or when on water, you can go to one block water then facing to the sky and throw the trident.

Me Gold! [ ]

Goal: Open a Buried Treasure Chest.

To find buried treasure, first, you need to find treasure maps, this map can be found in shipwrecks and underwater ruins. Note: Shipwreck map room chests always contain a treasure map. Treasure maps usually lead you to beaches, snowy beaches, stone shores, or even mushroom field shores. If it generates in a stone shore, the buried treasure will usually generate higher than sea level. Buried treasure is marked with an 'X' on the map. Use your pickaxe to break stone and shovel to dig sand. Lastly, open the treasure chest.

Moskstraumen [ ]

Goal: Construct a Conduit.

Use prismarine, prismarine bricks, dark prismarine, or sea lanterns to make a conduit frame. Conduits can only active if the 3x3x3 area around it is filled with water.

Prismarine, dark prismarine, sea lanterns, and prismarine bricks can be found in ocean monuments. Prismarine and sea lanterns can also be found in cold underwater ruins. You can also craft it from ingredients dropped by guardians.

Ingredients Input » Output
Prismarine Shard
Prismarine Shard
Prismarine Shard + Black Dye
Prismarine Shard + Ink Sac
Prismarine Shard + Prismarine Crystal

Then, you need to find a nautilus shell, which is dropped by drowned that is holding it, bought from wandering traders or as fishing junk. Buried treasure always contains one heart of the sea.

Craft a conduit

Ingredients Input » Output
Nautilus Shell + Heart of the Sea

Sleep with the Fishes [ ]

Goal: Spend 20 minutes underwater without any air.

Brew 3 potions of Water Breathing (Extended). Drink a potion and stay underwater without losing oxygen. Each potion lasts for 8 minutes so you have an extra 4 minutes of water breathing. While you're underwater, you can explore underwater caverns, the sea floor, fight drowned, find structures such shipwrecks, ruins or monuments, or build underwater to spend the 20 minutes.

Conduit Power also grants you underwater breathing indefinitely as long you are underwater near an active conduit.

Alternative Fuel [ ]

Goal: Power a furnace with a Kelp Block.

First, you need to get 9 dried kelp, then craft it into a block, lastly use it as fuel in furnace.

Ingredients Input » Output
Dried Kelp

One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four [ ]

Goal: Place four Sea Pickles in a group

Find sea pickles in a warm ocean. Alternatively, if you cannot find a warm ocean, go to desert villages and find small houses that have 2 sea pickles as mugs. Then, place 4 sea pickles in a single block.

Top of the World [ ]

Goal: Place Scaffolding to the world limit.

First, you need some string and bamboo. Bamboo can be found in large quantities at bamboo jungle biomes. Bamboo can also be found in jungle temple chests and appear rarely in regular jungles. It can also be caught as fishing junk in jungle biomes. Alternatively, if you cannot find jungle biomes, you can get bamboo from shipwreck supply chests.

Ingredients Input » Output


Then go to a mountain biome or pillar jump to Y 255 then place one scaffolding on top of the pillar to save materials or Place scaffolding until you reach the maximum world height limit

Where Have You Been? [ ]

Goal: Pickup gift from tamed Cat

First, travel to a village, which you will find stray cats there. Then, tame a cat using raw cod or raw salmon. Wait until a stray cat approaches you. Once tamed, you can see they have a cat collar. Now, sleep in a bed at night. When you sleep, the tamed cat will sleep with you and give you a gift in the morning. Pick up the gift and you get the achievement.

Zoologist [ ]

Goal: Breed Pandas

Pandas spawn in any jungle biomes, but are rarer in regular jungles. However, they are not rare in bamboo jungles. Find two pandas then make sure there is at least 8 bamboo nearby, or you can plant the bamboo manually. Once the requirement is met, use the bamboo to breed the pandas.

Fruit on the Loom [ ]

Goal: Use Enchanted Apple on Banner.

Find an enchanted apple, add paper to it in a crafting table to craft the thing banner pattern. Then, apply the pattern using a loom by combining the banner and dye.

Ingredients Input » Output
Paper + Enchanted Apple
Ingredients Input » Output
Planks + String
Ingredients Input » Output
Dye + Banner Pattern Thing + Banner

Plethora of Cats [ ]

Goal: Have 20 Tamed Cats

Cats spawn for every 4 beds in a village and the cat population is capped at 10 per village, so you need to travel to several villages to get 20 cats. Villages can be found in:

  • Plains
  • Savanna
  • Taiga
  • Desert
  • Snowy Tundra
  • Snowy Taiga

Buy Low, Sell High [ ]

Goal: Trade for the Best Possible Price.

One way to achieve this is to get the Hero of the village and from trading with villagers. Another way is to cure a zombie and trade with the new villager.

Disenchanted [ ]

Goal: Use a Grindstone to get Experience from an Enchanted Item.

Grindstones can be found in village weaponsmith buildings, or you can craft one.

First, you need stone, you can obtain it by mining using Silk Touch or smelting cobblestone.

Ingredients Smelting recipe
Cobblestone +
Any fuel

You can craft stone slab in crafting table

Ingredients Input » Output


Or in stonecutter To craft a stonecutter.

Ingredients Input » Output
Stone + Iron Ingot

Stonecutting slab

Ingredients Input » Output


Then, craft a grindstone.

Ingredients Input » Output
Stone Slab + Planks + Stick

Lastly, place the grindstone and disenchant your enchanted item using the grindstone by placing the enchanted item in the input slot and take out the output.

I've got a bad feeling about this [ ]

Goal: Kill a Pillager Captain.

There are 2 ways to find pillager captains, from pillager patrols or from pillager outposts. Pillager outposts can be found in biomes where villages can generate. Pillager captains can be easily distinguished between other pillagers as this pillager will be wearing a ominous banner on their head. Kill this mob and you will get achievement, plus the Bad Omen effect.

We're being attacked! [ ]

Goal: Walk in a Village with the Bad Omen effect applied.

You can trigger a pillager raid after you get the Bad Omen effect, which obtained after you kill a raid captain. Just enter a village boundary (at least 1 villager with 1 claimed bed) and a raid will start.

Sound the Alarm! [ ]

Goal: Ring the Bell while being chased by an angered Pillager or hostile mob that attacks villager in the Village.

Bells can be found in a village meeting point. They can be rung using redstone, projectile, or by pressing use on them. If you create your own village, bells are sold by armorer, toolsmith and weaponsmith villagers for 36 emeralds.

Kill the Beast! [ ]

Goal: Defeat a Ravager.

Ravagers spawn during the 3 waves in raids. These mobs have 100 ♥ × 50 and have high melee damage. It's recommended to defeat these mobs from a distance as blocking with a shield can stun ravagers and cause them to roar, knockbacking and dealing damage to nearby mobs except for other illagers. Since this mob can only use a melee attack, build a 3 block pillar and shoot the ravager using a bow or crossbow until it dies.

Master Trader [ ]

Goal: Obtain 1,000 Emeralds from trading with Villagers.

This achievement can be easier with Hero of the Village effect, as it gives a trading discount, which lowers the price of items needed to trade with emeralds, so you require a fewer amount of items to exchange with emeralds.

As long you have huge crop farms, the best trade is crop trades from farmers as it can give you a huge amount of emeralds. Make sure to transform every villager in the village into farmer by placing as many composter as many villagers in villages, so they can restock their trades. To craft a composter:

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Any Overworld wood Slab

You can sell wheat, beetroots, potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, melon slices and eggs to farmer villagers. Trade with villagers until you get 1000 emeralds or 15 stack of emerald + 40 emeralds.

If you craft it into block of emerald, it's equal to 111 blocks of emeralds with one extra emerald or a full stack of a block of emeralds + 47 blocks of emeralds and one emerald left.

Time for Stew [ ]

Goal: Give Someone a Suspicious Stew.

To complete this achievement, you must throw a suspicious stew at another player and have them pick it up. Having a fox pick it up does not work.

Bee our guest [ ]

Goal: Use a Campfire to collect Honey from a Beehive using a Bottle without aggravating the bees.

First, you need to have a Bee Nest or Beehive you want to collect a Honey Bottle from. It only gives you the achievement if you collect a honey bottle and not Honeycomb. Next you need to place a Campfire under the beehive. Note that if you try to harvest any kind of honey from a beehive without placing a campfire underneath it, the Bees will get angry. They will come out and sting you, which will hurt you, inflict you with Poison and kill the bees in about a minute. You will not get the achievement. Try to place the campfire a few blocks below the hive, otherwise the bees may injure themselves coming out. Remember that campfires will break and only give you Charcoal if you try to pick them up without Silk Touch. After you have "smoked" the hive like this, use a Glass Bottle on the hive to collect a honey bottle. You should then get the achievement.

Total Beelocation [ ]

Goal: Move and place a Bee Nest, with 3 bees inside, using Silk Touch.

First, you need to make sure you have a tool enchanted with Silk Touch. Any tool with the enchantment will work. If you try to collect a bee nest without Silk Touch, then it will break, disappear, and any bees inside and close by will get angry and attack you. Then you need to make sure three bees are inside the hive. If there aren't enough, you can breed bees with any kind of Flower. Once three bees are inside, mine the nest with your Silk Touch tool. You should then get the achievement and can move the nest wherever you like.

Sticky Situation [ ]

Goal: Slide down a honey block to slow your fall. This achievement is easiest obtained in two ways:

The first way is to place a honey block a block above the ground, and jump up, and move toward the block.

Another way is to copy the first one, but place more honey on top and pillar up.

Either way, it may take several tries.

Bullseye [ ]

Goal: Hit the bullseye of a Target block

First, craft a target block.

Ingredients Crafting recipe
Redstone Dust +
Hay Bale

Then try to hit the center with any projectile.

Oooh, shiny! [ ]

Goal: distract a Piglin with gold

Go in the nether and make a piglin aggressive (either by removing any gold armor you're wearing, hitting it or mining gold), then throw any gold related item and wait for the piglin to pick it up.

Cover me in Debris [ ]

Goal: Wear a full set of Netherite Armor.

You need 24 diamonds and 4 netherite ingots to craft full set of netherite armor

  • First, craft a full set of diamond armor.
Ingredients Input » Output

Diamond Armor can also be obtained from end city chest, bastion remnant chest, bought from armorer villager, or rarely dropped by zombies.

  • Next, craft 4 Netherite ingots

You need 16 gold ingots and 16 netherite scraps to craft 4 Netherite ingots.

Netherite ingots can also be found in Bastion Remnant chests.

  • Last, convert from diamond armor to netherite armor.
Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Netherite Ingot Netherite Scrap +
Gold Ingot
Ingredients Smithing recipe
Diamond Helmet or
Diamond Chestplate or
Diamond Leggings or
Diamond Boots +
Netherite Ingot

Upgrade Gear

Hot tourist destination [ ]

Goal: Visit all Nether biomes.

Visit these 5 biomes by exploring the nether: basalt deltas, crimson forest, nether wastes, soul sand valley and warped forest. If you are underground then press f3 in your keyboard

Minecraft Xbox One Edition Tutorial World Ice Walker Boots

Source: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Achievement_guide

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